Aibō (相棒, Partners) is a Japanese television detective series that first aired on TV Asahi on June 3, 2000. It has been adapted into three films: Aibō the Movie (2008), Aibou: The Movie II (2010) and Aibou: The Movie III (2014).
One of the drama's two main protagonists is Ukyō Sugishita (杉下右京) (Yutaka Mizutani), a police inspector assigned to the fictional Special Missions Unit (特命係, Tokumei-gakari) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Sugishita's partner is the other main protagonist, initially Kaoru Kameyama (亀山薫) (Yasufumi Terawaki) from 2000 to 2009, secondly Takeru Kambe (神戸尊) (Mitsuhiro Oikawa) from 2009 to 2012, and currently Tōru Kai (甲斐享) (Hiroki Narimiya).
Aibō is also broadcast with English subtitles in Hawaii by the television station KIKU under the name Partners.