Revolves around a British military contractor Lex Walker who is told his daughter has died. When he ...
Revolves around a British military contractor Lex Walker who is told his daughter has died. When he arrives in Los Angeles and discover the body is not her, he begin an investigation.
Recalled from the battlefields of Afghanistan to identify the remain of his daughter, British mercenary Lex Walker arrives in Los Angeles to find that the body in the morgue belongs to a stranger. With his daughter now missing, Walker convinces a street-wise detective that his daughter is still alive and in danger. The two follow a trail of high-tech intrigue that leads them to his daughter's former boss, a crooked cyber-millionaire who will do whatever it takes to protect his empire - including taking down anyone who gets in his way. Driven by desperation and rage, Walker must fight his way through an army of thugs and hired killer to save the one peron that mean more to him than life itself.