The Maid's Room is a psychological thriller that explores the complex relationhips between truth and...
The Maid's Room is a psychological thriller that explores the complex relationhips between truth and justice, hubris and power, wealth and fear.
Set entirely on the posh east end of Long Island (where it was filmed), THE MAID'S ROOM center around Drina, an attractive, intelligent immigrant who takes a job for the season as live-in maid to the Crawfords, a privileged New York family who maintain a splendid home in the Hampton. The job could be wore, since Mr. and Mr. Crawford spend most of their time in the city, but their teenage son, Brandon, who is starting Princeton in the fall, is summering at the beach, and Drina must look after him and his spoiled friends. Since the maid's room is next to the garage, Drina can't help noticing when Brandon return late one night, noisily and obviously drunk. The next day, she sees that Brandon's car is battered and bloodied and, when she reads in the local paper that there has been a fatal hit and run, it's clear who's responible. Knowing the Crawford's will do anything to protect their precious son, Drina realizes that, for once, she has some power over her employer. Though the ...