Mobile Suit Gundam-san (機動戦士ガンダムさん, Kidō Senshi Gandamu-san), commonly referred to as Gundam-san, is a Japanese yonkoma (4-panel) parody gag manga series by Hideki Ohwada. A part of the Gundam media franchise, it is a parody of the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime series, featuring Amuro Ray, Lalah Sune, and Char Aznable as main characters. It has been serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's shōnen manga magazine Gundam Ace since June 2001 and collected in twelve tankōbon volumes.
An anime adaptation has been announced. The Sunrise-produced weekly TV series of animated shorts will premiere on the BS11 network on July 6, 2014.
The TV anime adaptation was announced in a Gundam Ace issue in June 2014, and will begin broadcast in July 2014 in the BS11 (during the Gundam Selection program) and Tokyo MX TV networks. Episodes are about 3 minutes each. Mankyū is directing and writing the anime. Sao Tamado is the character designer. Tohru Furuya and Keiko Han are returning as cast members but are not reprising their original roles from Mobile Suit Gundam. Instead all of the roles are cast to new voice actors.