The Ming Dynasty Princess YuLan (voiced by Luo Yujuan) came to Japan, and Japan's most intelligent person competition intelligence, Yixiu (voiced by Wang Xiaoyan) by Yoshimitsu general (Liu Beichen dubbing) asked to participate in the competition, losing the game Princess insisted on marrying off, one had to bring her to safety in Temple life, hope the princess away, or the princess with proper material. Ming Dynasty emperor to Yoshimitsu general treasures are thieves red cat stole. But the thieves red cat's true identity is a meet in practice friend Akata Ro (voiced by Li Zhengxiang). Red taro a total of seven brothers and sisters, to raise their siblings and the relief of the poor, he lives by stealing, then meets with Princess YuLan. Akata Ro is a new right back door caught, the death penalty at. The princess YuLan and a very sympathetic to Akata Ro, trapped him in righteousness, with general intelligence competition again, a deliberately lost the game, Akata Ro to the princess with. Finally, Akata Ro vowed never to do a thief, the princess was persuaded to China off.