A young actor's obsession with spying on a beautiful woman who lives nearby leads to a baffling seri...
A young actor's obsession with spying on a beautiful woman who lives nearby leads to a baffling series of events with drastic conequences.
Jake comes home to find his girlfriend with another man and has to find a new place. In between his acting workshops and his job in a vampire B-movie, he scan the paper looking for anything. He happen to meet a fellow actor who needs a house sitter. Both are pleased with the arrangement that will have Jake staying in the house and for a sweetener, Frank shows him his 'favorite neighbor', a well built woman who strips with her window open each night. Jake becomes obsessed with meeting her and is able to help recover her pure from a thief, but shows his own phobia, he is incapacitated by claustrophobia when the thief run through a tunnel. When Jake witnesses a murder, he finds out that the police love to pin crimes on peeping Toms. Jake discover that here are just too many coincidences but must hunt them down himself without the police.