Contemporary urban family ethics drama "lies" as gentle series fifth, the show is still on the hotte...
Contemporary urban family ethics drama "lies" as gentle series fifth, the show is still on the hottest love, marriage lies as the theme, show the urban men and women in love and marriage was betrayed in the pain of suffering, cheating with unit drama form, through the tragic story of the marriage and love to bring love, marriage more management experience and lesson for the audience. Liao Tiantian, Wang Yingying and Zoran three from the university is the friend friend, after graduation, each with the vision of a better life to different jobs, positive in life. After graduation, after several twists and turns Liao Tiantian into a securities company, as a temporary customer manager, in charge of Wu Wei's help, Liao Tiantian also gradually familiar with business and gain a firm foothold in the company, but in the brutal struggle every day, Liao was sucked into the ring opponent in design... Wang Yingying looks bright, beautiful and brilliant, have a good life is her dream, was introduced into the listing Corporation doing administrative assistant, she not only at work here also brought their own love, but, happy life is not her imagination smoothly... The passage of time, Zoran is Haitian real estate sales consultants, nearly thirty years and still be on one's own, her beautiful appearance and enviable salary made her into a He sits no sure that sits too high embarrassment, give her love, but found himself too ignorant to add life to the endless troubles... After all this, the three sisters together to realize the wonderful life only comes to wisdom, diligence and stand on solid ground.