After being shot by an uneen assailant, a wounded Cooper has a vision of a giant who tells him three...
After being shot by an uneen assailant, a wounded Cooper has a vision of a giant who tells him three clues to help with the investigation. In the morning, Albert Rosenfield arrives back in Twin Peaks to investigate Cooper's attack and to assist. Meanwhile, Leland's hair turn white and continues to act strangely. James remain in jail after being framed by Bobby who plants Leo's cocaine stash in his motorcycle. Big Ed maintain a bedside vigil for the comatose Nadine after a suicide attempt. Leo remain in a coma after being shot by the murderous Hank. At One-Eyed Jacks, Audrey escapes notice by her father and finds that she's a prisoner there. With both Catherine and Josie missing and the sawmill burning down, Shelly and Pete are also in the hospital after escaping from the fire. Donna, following a tip from the Log Lady, decides to investigate the Double R's Meals on Wheels program that Laura worked at.