Story about Michael Clayton / 敌对同谋 / 全面反击 / 迈克尔·克雷顿 / 英雄不问出处 / 迈克尔·克莱顿
A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while repres...
A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multi-billion dollar class action suit.
Michael Clayton, a high-priced-law-firm's fixer, leaves a late-night poker game, gets a call to drive to Westchester, and watches his car blow up as he's taking an impromptu dawn walk through a field. Flash back four days. He owes a loan shark to cover his brother's debts (Michael's own gambling habits have left him virtually broke). His law firm is negotiating a high-stakes merger, and his firm's six-year defene of a conglomerate's pesticide use is at risk when one of the firm's top litigator goes off his meds and puts the case in jeopardy. While Michael is trying to fix things, someone decides to kill him. Who? Meanwhile, his son summarizes the plot of a dark fantasy novel.