The sitcom revolves around the Ma family, an extended Chinese family living together. Ma Fu (Lau Dan), a retired officer of the Hong Kong Correctional Services, is the patriarch of the family and his traditional and disciplinarian approach to life creates both friction and solutions. The other members of the family are his much younger sister Ma Yau (Florence Kwok); second son and daughter-in-law, Ma Keung (Tsui Wing) and Lo Li Chang (Yvonne Lam Yi Kei); the deceased eldest son´s (Ma kin) children Ma Tse Yan (Joey Law) and Ma Tse Lei (Angel Chiang); and youngest son Ma Chaung (Lai Lok-yi).
Come Home Love (Traditional Chinese: 愛·回家) is a TVB modern sitcom series. Production was originally contracted for 180 episodes, but has been extended by 320 episodes for a total of 500; the first TVB series to do so since A Kindred Spirit.
cantonese version: