Teen Beach Movie" introduces confident McKenzie "Mack" (Maia Mitchell) and her carefree boyfriend Br...
Teen Beach Movie" introduces confident McKenzie "Mack" (Maia Mitchell) and her carefree boyfriend Brady (Ross Lynch), a fan of the retro surf musical movie, "West Side Story." On the morning of Mack's scheduled departure for boarding school, she and Brady catch one last epic wave which mysteriously carries them right into "West Side Story," circa 1962, where they meet Seacat (Jordan Fisher), Giggles (Mollee Gray), Rascal (Kent Boyd) and Cheechee (Chrissie Fit), among others. Amidst the spontaneous song and dance, there's trouble in paradise -- it's bikers versus surfers for control of the local hangout, but Mack and Brady unwittingly interfere with the movie's star-crossed plot, one that would pair a surfer, the teen matinee idol Tanner (Garrett Clayton), and a biker, Lela (Grace Phipps), the sister of Butchy (John DeLuca), the biker gang (The Rodents') leader. Typical of the teen beach movie genre, a kooky subplot has mad scientists Les Camembert (Steve Valentine) and Dr. Fusion (Kevin Chamberlin) scheming to alter weather patterns, take over the local hangout and then, the world.