TV series "Chinese Style Divorce" adapted from the novel of the same name Chinese writer Wang Hailin...
TV series "Chinese Style Divorce" adapted from the novel of the same name Chinese writer Wang Hailing, directed by Shen Yan, Chen Daoming, Jiang Wenli, Jia Yiping, Zuo Xiaoqing, and other star power to send in plum. The play is called a modern version of the siege, the three families and a divorced family, to show the Chinese marriage status, three kinds of betrayal reveals different age couple in the marriage contract under the heart, body and mind, which led to changes to the home. The play is a social ethics, is about marriage problem everyone must face, is a Chinese marriage depth visit. In all parts of the country have broadcast television, dominated the local ratings list, set off a heated discussion among the audience. 2005 was the first television series top modern drama awards!