Born in cosmetic plastic surgery clinic in Tokyo's daughter. The life of Shimura Yuimi Yokohama City University's dormitory (Mikura Mana). There is a call to your beautiful Mai Ko (Ueno summer). Linen is Xinzhou Ueda ancestry, good tutor. Good personality, beautiful face without family, character and lovers impeccable linen son. Envy envy hate ah, one day. Two people in the room have a new roommate Shikano Seria (Okumura Jia Hui Cun). Qin Asia is only elementary school students, because the past is brought and aestheticism, caused the trauma received the bullying. So the body shaping, with the golden ratio figure and beauty. The three men met their around unbelievable secret start together, their relationship with their parents involved, complex wound Zhe
2012年 夏秋跨季 東海テレビ フジテレビ 午间剧
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