Underbelly: Razor is a 13-part Australian television mini-series detailing real events that occurred...
Underbelly: Razor is a 13-part Australian television mini-series detailing real events that occurred in Sydney between 1927 to 1936. The series depicts the 'razor gangs' who controlled the city's underworld during the era and the violent war between the two "vice queen" powers, Tilly Devine and Kate Leigh.
In contrast to the previous Underbelly installments which were based on books by John Silvester and Andrew Rule, Razor is based on the Ned Kelly Award-winning book of the same name, written by Larry Writer. The first episode is titled "The Worst Woman in Sydney"; the war waged between Devine and Leigh culminates in a bloody battle depicted in the episode, "Armageddon". [1] The first two episodes were played back-to-back on 21 August, 2011.
Razor is set during the Roaring Twenties and 1930s, mainly between 1927 and 1936 in Sydney, when organised crime in Australia began. The series details the story of the bloody battle between the era's most feared "vice queens", Tilly Devine and her rival Kate Leigh, plus the "razor gangs" that controlled the Sydney underworld during that time period. Embroiled in the violence is the country's still-young police force and a young schoolgirl called Nellie Cameron, about to lose her innocence.