The story revolves around Izumiko Suzuhara, a 15-year old girl who has been raised at Tamakura Shrine, part of the Kumano Shrines World Heritage Site. She destroys any electrical device that she comes into contact with. Despite being shy, she wants to try living in the city. Her guardian Yukimasa Sagara recommends that she enroll at Hōjō High School in Tokyo, accompanied by his son and Izumiko's childhood friend Miyuki Sagara. While in Tokyo, an entity named "Himegami" appears. Izumiko learns that she is a yorishiro, a vessel for a shinto spirit known as a kami, while Miyuki learns that he is a yamabushi, a warrior tasked with protecting her.
RDG Red Data Girl (RDG レッドデータガール, RDG Reddo Dēta Gāru) is a series of fantasy novels by Noriko Ogiwara. The first volume was published by Kadokawa Shoten in 2008; six volumes have been released, with the last published in 2012. A manga series adaptation, illustrated by Ranmaru Kotone and published by Kadokawa Shoten began serialization in December 2012. An anime television series by P.A. Works is being streamed on Niconico and will air on Tokyo MX on April 4, 2013.