Taking on the gambling phenomenon in Singapore, The Best Bet 《突然发财》is a satirical comedy that revolv...
Taking on the gambling phenomenon in Singapore, The Best Bet 《突然发财》is a satirical comedy that revolves around three good friends whose friendship is put to the test when one of them strikes 4D and decides to keep the winnings all to himself. The movie stars Mark Lee, Christopher Lee, Chen Liping and Richard Low.
It's everyone's dream in life to strike lottery at least once. For some, it has even become their 'lifetime career' to make this dream come true.
Richard (Richard Low), Shun (Christopher Lee) and Huang (Mark Lee) are best of friends in The Best Bet.
Richard, a white-collar executive, aims to be a good father and a good husband. However, indecisive and wimpy, he is easily influenced by the people around him.
Chen Liping plays Richard's wife who is extremely meticulous on money matters, especially when it comes to anything that has to do with Shun and Huang. Shun works with Richard in the same company.
Unlike Richard, Shun is ambitious, outspoken and full of ideas. However, persistently down on his luck, Shun seldom succeeds in what he does. Huang owns a Bak Kut Teh stall. A 'super gambler', Huang not only places heavy bets on 4D, he also part-time as a debt collector for the '4D King'. It is his sister, Hui Min (Joanne Peh), who sees to the running of the Bak Kut Teh business.
The Best Bet revolves around Richard, Shun and Huang whose friendships are put to a test when one of them struck 4D and decides to keep the winnings all to himself. What consequences will his choice have on this friendship?
A satirical comedy, which explores the greed, deceit and also the triumph of the human spirits, The Best Bet is about the consequence of our choices, and the path it will take us once we cross that threshold.