Fuji TV drama Winter Sun 2013 The story is, how old book-Biburia antiquarian bookshop with a busines...
FujiTVdramaWinterSun2013 The storyis, howold book-Biburiaantiquarian bookshopwith abusinessquietlyin a corner of theKamakura.BookmarkSasagawaitschild-shopkeeper,butbeautifulyoungwoman,extremeshynessthat can not bethe first meetingis in contactwith humanswell.Butforgetaboutthe fact thatshy,knowledge ofold books, whenyou have arich asthere is no partyoutto the right,Italkabout the bookisthepassionateeloquence.Willunlockvastamount of knowledgeabout theold bookand,in theeagle eye,the secretsandmysteriessurrounding thevariousantiquarian bookisthat her....