Sun TBS drama Spring 2012 Rival presence of a person that holds the key to this series will be revea...
SunTBSdramaSpring2012 Rivalpresence of a personthat holds the key tothisserieswill be revealedand futuresuccessofpreviousAzumi!Awaycompletelyin the state,andthe relationship between themembers... New. WhyorAzumibecame thechange?It isalsoa majorattractionriddlefollowreason andthatthere is asecreteven withinthe Metropolitan Police Department,thetruth of the matterthat becomesapparentcertainwith each passingtime. Intact,andset sailtothe new worldcharmuntil now"~team~AzumiHangzhouMetropolitan Police."Please look forward to!