A drama centered on an immigrant single mother and her teenage son in small town Illinois. Muna, a s...
A drama centered on an immigrant single mother and her teenage son in small town Illinois.
Muna, a single mother in Ramallah, has applied for a visa to the US. When it comes, her son Fadi, an excellent student, convinces her they should go. After an incident at customs begin their exile badly, they join Muna's sister and family in Illinois. Muna needs a job: although she has two degrees and 15 year' experience in banking, she settles for work at White Castle, telling the family her job's at a nearby bank. It's spring, 2003, and the US invades Iraq. While friends come from unlikely places, Fadi meets prejudice at school. How he'll respond to it and to American youth culture and how Muna will sort things out with her family are the rest of the story. Tragedy or hope?