Set in the world of international aid, the endless desire of human beings to mixture. World of chaos...
Set in theworldofinternational aid,the endlessdesireofhuman beingstomixture.Worldofchaosthatsheknew theback side of the(official development assistance) ODAdepresses. Vanity FairIs ither?Orasaint?Ordo younotjust afrailwomanofthe one whoisat the mercy of theeranowhere to go. Evolvesin time,moneygamesthatproducedangerouslove,andscandaltorock the nation... Reflectsvividlythesculptured groupofhuman beingswhileapproachingthe reality ofODAthat ishidden behind thegood nameof "aid",daredalsofilminglarge overseas,at the mercy of thewave of the future, it'sthe advent ofbusiness×Lovesuspenseentirely new.