Lee Chan-Suk (Ryu Jin) is an intelligent cop who is in pursuit of a crime suspect by the name of Kan...
Lee Chan-Suk (Ryu Jin) is an intelligent cop who is in pursuit of a crime suspect by the name of Kang Hyun-Ki (Lee Jong-Won). He tries to use Hyun-Ki’s biological sister, Han Sae-Jin (Lee Yoh-Won), as bait to capture him. Sae-Jin was left by Hyun-Ki’s mother on the porch of a wealthy family because she wanted her to have a better life (Sae-Jin was always getting sick and her mom did not have enough money to raise her).
As a determined Chan-Suk continues to search for evidence against Hyun-Ki, Sae-Jin finds out the truth about her past. Another twist is added when Chan-Suk realizes he is falling in love with Sae-Jin! Attracted by Sae-Jin’s pureness of heart, Chan-Suk enters a dilemma as he knows it may not be wise to fall in love with the suspect’s (Hyun-Ki) sister…