In the distant future, a police marhal stationed at a remote mining colony on the Jupiter moon of Io...
In the distant future, a police marhal stationed at a remote mining colony on the Jupiter moon of Io uncover a drug-smuggling conpiracy, and gets no help from the populace when he later finds himself marked for murder.
Marhal W.T. O'Niel is assigned to a mining colony on Io, one of Jupiter's moon. During his tenure miner are dying - usually violently. When the marhal investigates he discover the one thing all the deaths have in common is a lethal amphetamine-type drug, which allows the miner to work continuously for days at a time until they become "burned out" and expire. O'Niel follows the trail of the dealer, which leads to the man overeeing the colony. Now O'Niel must watch his back at every turn, as those who seek to protect their income begin targeting him...