This is in Shanghai's volatile backdrop for the action film, describe four once all the captive sold...
This is in Shanghai's volatile backdrop for the action film, describe four once all the captive soldier in to retire from office after the scattered, which Tony Leung has done to Shanghai police, he found his former Waise Lee, Mark Cheng together to join the nets above and snares below group, together with the dealer, who is a former prisoner who officer Adam Cheng. Director Huang Zhiqiang to take the bright image design and fierce unpopular action scenes to wrap this nostalgia film, make it appearance is quite attractive, but the story fails to escape from the film of the same kind of old-fashioned, so that the shape is too high.
A famous American critic David Bordwell in his " the entertainment art: Hongkong film secret " in a book by an entire chapter expatiates nets above and snares below " and " West " untouchables " distinction, and attempt to summarize the characteristics of Hong Kong film genre. The original " --, " nets above and snares below structure plot is actually copied from Blaine Eberhard 's " untouchables ", just the background from Chicago changed to 20's of the last century, Shanghai, smuggling of opium smuggling bootleg liquor instead. Compared to the " untouchables " two hours long, " nets above and snares below " although only 80 minutes, but when speaking of plot of bizarre twists and turns, did not lose to the " untouchables ", from the era of warlords brothers went to Shanghai Bund anti-drug suffering, film and lively rhythm, a compact plot, frequently climax, meticulous figure relationship ( actor and his wife, lover, daughter, and boss, brother, opponent ) to win, and pay attention to the character and psychological depiction in the west each has its own merits.
As David Bordwell said, " Huang Zhiqiang's " nets above and snares below can be called " all too much, all Mania", especially Huang Zhiqiang on violence action scenes and plot in which financial skills modification, so that the film has a strong functional stimulation and infectivity, show the classic charm of action films!