Story about ~ PRICELESS~あるわけねぇだろ、んなもん!~ / PRICELESS
Takuya Kimura of SMAP to be starring Fuji TV drama series for the first time in two years since the ...
TakuyaKimuraofSMAPto bestarringFuji TVdrama seriesfor the first time in two yearssince the"~ Moon Lovers ~loverof the month."This workis ararecomedy.And alsoappearedKosuke太FujigayajuniorKarinaand offices.In addition,theTBSwas broadcastduringOctober 2011"SinceAntarctica" as adrama seriesstarringTakuyaKimurais thefirst time in a year. After theprogramis also thefirst timethatthe crown ofSMAPKimurais also amember,there is also aspeciallive broadcastis also aregular programof"SMAP × SMAP". FumioKindaichihadendearedfromsubordinatesfrom theboss.Due to changes infeelingsof someonetherewill bedismissalcompaniessuspected of being awashoutsensitive informationinsidethemanaging directorhas,suddenly,lose,helike that,the roomof thehomeisthe only means of communicationwhere youliveto explodeitwashed awayin the riverflytobeatthemixturewith a manevenmobile phoneis. Reaffirm theimportance ofmoney byand meetbrotherslivestrong andyou will need tostart over againfrom scratchbycontinuouscalamitylasted,even ifplaced incircumstancessimilar toKindaichiinintolife situationsdestituteI willbe.