The story centers around a nine-member club of middle school boys called the Light Club, in their endeavor to create an AI in order to abduct beautiful girls. As the club uses increasingly depraved methods to reach their goal, the original leader, Tamiya, tries to reclaim his position after he becomes unhappy with the way the new leader, Zera, runs the club.
Mon broadcast every Monday 27:30 ~ October 1 Start Date: broadcasting
MXTV: Tokyo broadcasting station
Adachi Motoichi Screenplay:
Kachidoki studio Neruke Planning / Production:
August 6 today, key visual for "Lychee Light Club DE" TV Anime original and the "Lychee Light Club ☆" Usamaru Furuya has been published on the official website.
The key visual characters, "lychee" was prettily appeared deformed. But due to its masthead Usamaru Furuya. Comedy short animation of characters who, "lychee" "Lychee Light Club DE" anime unfolds. Is scheduled to be broadcast from October.
"Lychee Light Club ☆" is what you Komikaraizu the "Lychee Light Club" stage due to the Tokyo Grand Guignol theater company led by Norimizu Ameya. To be serialized (Otashuppan) Vol.39 from Manga Erotics F-Vol.33, depicting the last Sun Tan "our club light ☆" has been serialized in "Pokopoko" WEB magazine. Here is on sale in the winding up and down.
Anime voice actor decided to stage performers will be in charge.
Norihisa Hiranuma: Oreno Graffiti / Nico: / lychee Mao: Kato / Duff Daisuke Hirose: / Kaneda Koichiro Tomioka: calculator / Yuya Miyashita: / Jacob N. Hisashi Sato: Raizo / However Hiroshi Tamaki: / Jaibo Kei Akira Nakao: / Tamiya Kimura Ryo: Zerah