In order to raise money to save his father, Jin Guoxiu of eighteen years old to Yuzhong for former l...
In order to raise money to save his father, Jin Guoxiu of eighteen years old to Yuzhong for former lovers, married into wealthy town Hou Zhihong home to do his concubine, and promised to cloud ex-wife raising his son Hou Yunlang. In Hou, the show is cold by her husband, mother-in-law difficult, but persistence of strong personality she provoked the life support beams, slowly won Hou and local business respect. Shihiro, arrested, the show 's stomach to save Shihiro, but found he had an affair sub Ping, the show away in anger, the relationship between husband and wife Shihiro cease to exist except in name, too late to regret, the show is in Hou mother demands in Hou family support. The outbreak of war enlisted, son, daughter, joined the Communist Party, the country show sells founded charity orphan. The outbreak of the war of liberation, facing different beliefs, Hou family onto a different political road, two sons in succession in the revolution of sacrifice, Shihiro was forced to kill his daughter, Hou Ruyu, near collapse, finally announced with department uprising. The liberation of Chongqing, the government pay the show the two thousand two hundred gold, she could not make another choice.