To the Hatamoto, played by Mr. Koji Yamamoto, N. Tange Zen hero, cut with a sword style swordsman of...
TotheHatamoto,played byMr.KojiYamamoto,N.TangeZenhero,cut with a swordstyleswordsmanofexcellence. However, in order to protect thehonorofhis wife,lostan arm, butalsotobreakthe house. YasubeeHoribethathelpedtheZenScripturebecame aronin, but Ilaterbecame avassalof theAkoclan. On the other hand,andbouncer(Kirakozukenosuke)Kirakozukenosuke,as theone-armedswordsman,ZenScriptureto protect themuscleas asamurai, it becomes apositionfacing thewarriorswhoAko... Then, bythe law ofsamuraisociety,was forced tobreak upbutlove,ZenandScripture,with his wife,piercethis dramais abeautiful andsadlove story.