A mysterious killer sneaked into Shanghai , his purpose is to borrow the Northern Warlord Bi Cheng Y...
A mysterious killer sneaked into Shanghai , his purpose is to borrow the Northern Warlord Bi Cheng Yuan convened Shikoku Minister meeting during the assassination of Bi Cheng Yuan . This news has been spread, caused panic from all sectors of the Northern , the Songhu Police Department is worried , because the assassin extraordinary, he is the famous big Assassin Tie -chiao . Police Agency sent a brave black Mounted Police Tie -chiao robbed and killed in the road , but the black Mounties confused , they robbed and killed a total of three Tie -chiao , in the end , who is the true and false ? While they have not yet come to reflect , have all died in Tie chiao men , no force can prevent Tie -chiao . At this point , the Tie -chiu has quietly sneaked into Shanghai.