Her life ", focuses on an ordinary , simple , but determination of the extraordinary life of rural w...
Her life ", focuses on an ordinary , simple , but determination of the extraordinary life of rural women Huilan ! In the early stages of reform and opening up of living forced Huilan and her husband, Fuming had to leave their homes , looking for a new life with a pair of adopted daughter from poor villages to the bustling city . To depend on others days , however , let the family have suffered the well-being of the world situation , the first child of the unexpected comes and if worse , more difficult to predict the date of the new birth , has also been the beloved husband with her goodbye . The face of cruel fate , Huilan strong and patience , with fanciful resemblance , began the storm of life of the " Wu Ji dumplings . Whelan and A letter in the different countries and times , different life background , but two of the same tenacity and dedication to create the same success .