Ringo Lam shooting films from the West "extreme adventure " return to the action thriller directed b...
Ringo Lam shooting films from the West "extreme adventure " return to the action thriller directed by Hong Kong cinema , fully show his professional skill in the control of hot action scenes and the atmosphere of confrontation of the two male cops and robbers played Lau Ching Wan and Francis Ng have excellent performance . The plot description Crime Unit, senior police Alex is responsible for the investigation Mansion tank charnel case suspected McQueen , the former civil engineer suspected of major vault design and explosives found in his house , arrested him , Anjiao not good . McQueen had is with the Taiwan criminals plotting to rob the vault of the racecourse , his girlfriend and criminals are more adventurous in the police escort McQueen prison raids . Max After scrutiny, and finally figure out the criminals of the robbery plan , then risked his life to a stroke . The film cops and robbers chase in Central downtown coaster action climax, shooting extremely difficult , also increased the exciting results .