"Ghost" of the 2012 Korean SBS TV dogwood drama , directed by Kim Hyung - sik , director shooting. T...
"Ghost" of the 2012 Korean SBS TV dogwood drama , directed by Kim Hyung - sik , director shooting. The drama starring So Ji Sub , Liyan Xi , Yan Ki-jun , the theme of cybercrime and Interpol . Tells the story of the network Interpol , with the development of social networks and new types of crime and the fight against these crimes .Drama "Ghost" is about the network raid team in another network of the world reveal the unknown human secret , hidden in a highly sophisticated technology , searching for players who experienced the joys and sorrows and vibrant show, full of suspense and ideas . SJS plays , drama , Kim Hyun as the only son of the police high-level cadres , first honors enrollment and graduation to become a police officer. Natural focus and sense of responsibility has become the central figure involved in rectifying the National Police Agency network searching for the team 's organizational system .