The MBC Shuimu drama "I the DO I DO" is a romantic comedy Kim Seon plays the original cause of all smooth sailing, but because of the mistakes of a night pregnant with new children of the staff, facing career must heroine body swan crisis. Drama about a career woman Huangzhi An (Golden Sun Ah), after graduating from high school from the the hawkers growth of the false shoes for professional shoes designer the Putai Jiang (Zhang Yu) and was celibate obstetrician , but the case but after Chi Ann began to look forward the marriage Zhaoen Cheng (Pu Jianheng) between the three complex romantic love story. The play to break the over 30-year-old woman in the life of the trough, having Prince Charming , happily ever after happy Korean consistent pattern. Pujian Heng corner of the play in this drama very successful obstetrician Zhaoen Cheng. Of Zhao Encheng the family members are doctors, he is also the pressure of family members had to choose medicine, but compared to those sections is only to convey the sad news to patients, he chose to convey the message of happiness to the people women obstetrics.