Documentary "Moon Bear" a nearly complete record of the black bear farming industry insider , the di...
Documentary "Moon Bear" a nearly complete record of the black bear farming industry insider , the disclosure of people know very little about the details . The film consists of three amateur documentary filmmaker Xiongjun Hui , Tu Qiao and Chen Yuan in self-financing, in-depth shooting the scene, which lasted four years, the film was finished . They shot very difficult to enter inside the bear farms suffered to obstruct . Three film production from 2008 began to pay attention to this industry, began plans to enter the bear farms within the record . During the shoot , they make unannounced visits to the country, including 11 provinces and cities in Shandong, the Northeast, Sichuan bear bile " black bear farms and farmers , who posed as husband and wife , tourists, and do everything possible to close the hidden bear farms closer to the truth the truth