Story about Akeelah and the Bee / 阿基拉和拼字比赛 / 阿基拉和拼字游戏 / 阿基拉和拼字比赛 / 拼出新世界
A young girl from South Los Angeles tries to make it to the National Spelling Bee. Eleven year-old A...
A young girl from South Los Angeles tries to make it to the National Spelling Bee.
Eleven year-old Akeelah Anderon's life is not easy: her father is dead, her mom ignores her, her brother run with the local gangbanger. She's smart, but her environment threaten to strangle her aspiration. Responding to a threat by her school's principal, Akeelah participates in a spelling bee to avoid detention for her many absences. Much to her surprise and embarrassment, she win. Her principal asks her to seek coaching from an English professor named Dr. Larabee for the more prestigious regional bee. As the possibility of making it all the way to the Scripps National Spelling Bee looms, Akeelah could provide her community with someone to rally around and be proud of -- but only if she can overcome her inecurities and her distracting home life. She also must get past Dr. Larabee's demon, and a field of more experienced and privileged fellow speller.