“Burning Sun” is set in an Argentinian town where the enforcers of the onc...
“Burning Sun” is set in an Argentinian town where the enforcers of the once repressive apparatus of the country’s dictatorship still go about their business, such as killing people. When his mother and brother are gunned down, Cetarti (Hendler) arrives to collect their life insurance, which involves falling in with the town’s chief, Duarte (Sbaraglia), a friend of his mother’s ... (展开全部) “Burning Sun” is set in an Argentinian town where the enforcers of the once repressive apparatus of the country’s dictatorship still go about their business, such as killing people. When his mother and brother are gunned down, Cetarti (Hendler) arrives to collect their life insurance, which involves falling in with the town’s chief, Duarte (Sbaraglia), a friend of his mother’s murderer who runs a sideline in kidnapping, and aiding their racketeering.