In 1945 , the World War II drawing to a close , Japan and France are in the position of the sunset d...
In 1945 , the World War II drawing to a close , Japan and France are in the position of the sunset dead in the Asia Pacific theater , the Allies had captured the Mariana Islands and the Philippine Islands , Leyte island , the war has been approaching the Japanese mainland , Su Meiying Heads of Government meeting in the Soviet Union grams of wood Liyaerta signed the Yalta Agreement , to determine the end of the war in Europe , the Soviet allies to expand the war against Japan. At the same time, the territory of the Soviet Far East , active in the Soviet Far East, the Red Army , a special forces infantry section 88 of the Special Brigade of the independent (formerly known as the Northeast Anti-Japanese coalition forces to teach the trip ; also known as international travel .