" Fanny 's smile," based on the true story of China and Austria established diplomatic relations the...
" Fanny 's smile," based on the true story of China and Austria established diplomatic relations the 30th anniversary of the launch of a co-production film . It tells the story of an Austrian girl and a young Chinese studying in Austria from the acquaintance , love and duties and went to the legendary love story of Chinese life 60 years . 1931 Vienna, Austria, Police Academy, 12 Chinese students , a daughter Fanny at first sight is called the Exactitude the students and instructors . The Exactitude studies and returned a year later, a ticket sent to Fanny the hands of Fanny ride the ships at sea for a month to arrive in China , with the Exactitude back to his hometown . Since then , a pair of exotic lovers after 60 years of trials , embracing laugh looking love rainbow interpretation of a legendary love story .