The film tells of Dr. Robert Payne's adventures in Shanghai 50 year ago. Payne falls in love with be...
The film tells of Dr. Robert Payne's adventures in Shanghai 50 year ago. Payne falls in love with beautiful Qiuqiu, the conort of revolutionary hero Jin, who is a communist leader in the Shanghai underground However, he suffer from seizures caused by old head wounds and becomes Payne's patient. Hao Ming is the brutal chief of the Guomintang secret police. In his hunt for Jin, he discover that Qiuqiu is his long lost daughter. At a lavish father-daughter reunion, Qiuqiu gets her revenge and shots Hao Ming. She's been arrested and admits her guilt. When Jin realizes how much Qiuqiu loves him, he offer to give himself up in exchange for commuting Qiuqiu's death sentence...