Republic of the Yangtze River, a young woman named Azusa peach came to a wealthy family of the Sovie...
Republic of the Yangtze River, a young woman named Azusa peach came to a wealthy family of the Soviet Union . Since Zi Peach entered the Su family , big wife , led by Su classic wives , sons and daughters of comfortable living conditions completely changed her ( him) that people do not know the secret of secrecy , and actually be good through the psychology , intelligence and calm the Azusa peach a little opened . Order to punish mistakes Su family , in order to find a huge treasure buried in the Su family , Er Yitai Azusa peach and pungent , the concubine of Ayutthaya , the young master of Dandyism battle of wits and fighting to seek , in this battle , after a few back to life and death, she became the Soviet Union belongings family . Mingyuan selfless love of the frozen kind heart Azusa Peach was finally justice Su Master probation, she admits that the purpose of their own home in the Soviet Union , she put down the hatred , and Mingyuan work hand in hand , and the wake of the Su family slumbering conscience of the Su family treasure to support the revolution , Su decadent compound into a bright children 's school ......