This is a tender comedy about a weak woman, came to the United States eager to start a new life stor...
This is a tender comedy about a weak woman, came to the United States eager to start a new life story . A beautiful Mexican single mother Fran ( Pa posture Vega ornaments) , in order to forget the painful memories , with a 12 - year-old daughter came to the United States , she wanted to start a new life in this free country . Fran came to Los Angeles mansion for the maid , housekeeper couple of John ( ornaments ) and Deborah ( Tia · Liou Ni decoration) , officially began her American life . Fran maid living in a mansion , just due to language barriers , sudden, a series of jokes . Later , her troubles , even if she is worried about the cultural poles apart will make her strayed into the trap , she never expected it , you want to be fully integrated into the American upper class families actually so difficult ......