Hung Yi-feng master behind the classic creation , actually hidden stormy emotions . The story begins...
Hung Yi-feng master behind the classic creation , actually hidden stormy emotions . The story begins in the Hongshi three brothers and his father agreed to a good century concert , in order to fill the father blank in memory of 30 years, launched a wonderful course , points to the scenery behind the performing arts family , between father and son never to say it secret ... in between the King and the role of the father , Hung Yi-feng choice of careers , leaving the children regret childhood ; eldest son, Chris Hung Mentor tangled relationship with his father , second son of Hong Jingyao at home but has stealth but not the best mentality ; third son Hong Rongliang childhood dream of being abandoned the glut long lingering . Suture through a huge tear , miraculous , Hung family, three brothers because of love to remember that yearning , and three in the course of looking for Daddy's work together to find the lost memories in the life puzzle , but also to piece together the Honourable the life of legendary musicians , the unexpected discovery : the original self - treason which only can not change , even the father's DNA in the blood , every song , every note , and have Abba northwestern , and her father is the creation of sentiment in Taiwan , will remain forever in this land !