Highlighting the first time in six years Suzuki Jingxiang again starred in Kyoka Suzuki of the Japan...
Highlighting the first time in six years Suzuki Jingxiang again starred in Kyoka Suzuki of the Japanese TV drama 40-year-old actress will launch TBS Department of Japanese TV drama " scandal " ( October 19, starring in Sunday night 9:00 ) , this is her first time in six following the January 2003 file " warm Chinese restaurant" ( Fuji TV ) , again starring the Japanese TV drama series . Recently the focus of her work on the movie , the 2005 Japanese Academy Award for best actress for the film " Blood and Bones " . In the halo of this award , she returned to the Japanese TV drama sector . Ci Lang producer , TBS, Ikuno Highlighting the ceremony to greet her arrival , her acting is extraordinary , and the beauty and lovely both . "