An often darkly comedic slice of life film, 'Flying Dragon, Dancing Phoenix' follows the life of a T...
An often darkly comedic slice of life film, 'Flying Dragon, Dancing Phoenix' follows the life of a Taiwanese opera troupe -- their trials, their joys, and their relationships in this modern age. Lin Chun Mei is the troupe's star actress. She is most often given the part of the xiaosheng (male lead), a role traditionally played by women. When Chun Mei is nearly hit by a scooter one day, she suffers a leg injury that sets off a series of events which change the group forever. The family run Tien Long troupe is forced to search for a solution -- or a replacement -- as Chun Mei goes on a personal journey in search of herself. The film focuses on family, failure, and growth, and it highlights the beauty and uniqueness of the Taiwanese opera.