The the wretch Phil Weston威尔法莱尔decorated with the world , any one is rai...
The the wretch Phil Weston威尔法莱尔decorated with the world , any one is raising a 10 -year-old son 's father is no different , life had lost its ambition , his dream thought that the most extraordinary life : utilities should not be too superior , able to feed the wife and kids can spare time but also put forward a family picnic or something ... these are in his mind , " the happiest thing " , but had decorated like father like Buck, Robert Duvall Phil in my entire life did not one day be able leisurely corpuscles look . Buck born rivalry is exceedingly strong, and only the sparks will encounter Phil , what should and Phil compete against , which makes Phil deserted . even swear if the next life but also to do with Buck and his son, he would rather give up man . In the pleading of his youngest son the mountain姆迪伦迈克Lalin decorations , Phil decided to coach her son's school 's football team , " Tigers " in preparation for a " small" Champions League . " Tigers " has always been a bottom side , so Phil does not put too much pressure , he believes that as long as the game will either wins or loses is the most important to be able to enjoy it . This theory , however , Buck is not feasible , he happened to be the arrival of the league title , " Warriors coach Phil once again aroused the urgent desire of his win ... Buck almost crazy Phil can be caught mad, he got