The fate With the intersection of two distinct two women in their lives . Elena, a beautiful and gen...
The fate With the intersection of two distinct two women in their lives . Elena, a beautiful and gentle photographer , anti- gay marriage pastor 's wife ; Peyton, a lesbian novelist , has just lost his mother , she is not out of the shadow of the heart . Working relationship , they started dating , they meet together , picnic , drink, and talk about love , laughter , close up their relationship a little bit of natural relaxation . E is P, a novel to do photographic work , this is their first timid philandering At this time bass - heavy soundtrack winds sounded , apparently between the two men attracted the sparks hit out . Spark at this time so that E is no small surprise , she had never expected that he would like on a woman , but this little frightened stop her future lover . Romance , longing, and the most important fiery feelings prompted them forbidden love flowers slowly mature flowering .