A Boy and His Samurai (ちょんまげぷりん, Chonmage Purin, Chonmage Pudding) is a 2010 Japanese time travel comedy film, directed by Yoshihiro Nakamura and based on a manga by Gen Araki, [1] that chronicles the adventures of a samurai who accidentally travels through time from Edo-era Japan to present-day Japan where he meets a single working mother and her young son.
Kijima Yasube (Ryo Nishikido), a samurai from the Edo Period, travels through time - 180 years - to arrive in present day Japan. He then meets divorcee Hiroko (Rie Tomosaka) & her son Tomoya (Fuku Suzuki). Yasube ends up working for Hiroko as a housemaid in return for food and lodging. One day. Yasube starts to make pastries for Tomoya, which leads to Yasube become popular patissier. In the process the three become very close, but the moment they must say good bye also draws near ...