a peasants' revolt against the brutal the revolution of the Russian army , started a romance between...
a peasants' revolt against the brutal the revolution of the Russian army , started a romance between an aristocratic woman and an ordinary person . In 1861 , the countries involved in the political turmoil and civil unrest . The tense situation is like on a bet continuous distillation of the right people are at the consideration to prevent impending abolition of serfdom . When a remote small village simply Midsummer celebration party turned into a massacre the Tadas unexpectedly found himself in among the rebels , but a lot of people listen to him . Now he was about to face a painful choice to travel their own responsibilities as a rebel leader , or to love the daughter of an enemy . Suspected of suffering and death of comrades , prompting tadas not only responsible for their actions , but also to everyone responsible for his love , stand up and evil empire struggle . Fight for freedom, justice and love , tadas discovered the value of life and death .