Juneau (Juno ) Directed by Jason Reitman , Jason Reitman, and screenwriter Arthur George Dew Polo Co...
Juneau (Juno ) Directed by Jason Reitman , Jason Reitman, and screenwriter Arthur George Dew Polo Coty Diablo Cody, will be together again, tailored for Oscar shadow Houshalizi , Theron ( Charlize Theron ) "Youth " ( Young Adult ) . In the film, Shali Zi Theron will play a ghostwriter to write the ghost writer of juvenile fiction specifically for others , when she realized that their works , but without any signature , resolutely decided to seek justice . In this process, she saw the high school boyfriend , and with reignite . However , the latter newly married and just do a father does not want her mixed up together . At the same time , she saw an old friend of several other high school , they decided to reality roller compacted crushed a young man 's dream and hope paid .